2010 m. rugpjūčio 3 d.

Nauji daktai / New stuff in our room

Vienas bulgaras, kuris dirbo su mumis, išvažiavo į Maino valstiją laimės ieškot, tai mes paklausėm ar galim mikrobangę iš jo kambario pasiimti į savo kambarį. Ir mums leido! Ir leido ne tik mikrobangę pasiimti, bet ir viską, ko tik norim! Tai ką... Lietuvėmis esame mes gimusios :D

Linksma buvo ir mums, ir visiems kaimynams. Nuotraukos apačioj.


Hi there,

one guy who used to live with us moved to Maine last week, so we asked one guy who is responsible for maintenance if we can take a microwave from his room. And he said that we can take not just microwave, but absolutely anything we like! Well... We've never been too shy...

Pictures below. ;)))

Mikrobangė / Microwave
Šaldytuviukas / Small fridge

Laikrodis - radijas / Clock - radio

Spintelė / Cupboard

Piušinis šuo / Toy
Lemputė / Bulb
Krepšiukas / Basket
Nežinom kas čia, turit idėjų? / Any ideas what is it?
Čia na fsiaky slučy / Just in case... :D
Vonios lentynėlė, tik nemokam pakabinti / Little bathroom shelf, any ideas how to put it on the wall?
Kažkas / Something
Balkono kėdė / Chair

Muiliukas / Soap

7 komentarai:

  1. Nice loot ;-)
    No idea what it is, looks like it can sting?
    To fix the bathroom shelf, there exists tape that glues on both sides or otherwise something that looks like chewing gum. No idea how they call that stuff in proper English though, let alone how they call it where you are. ;-) But probably most things to fix it would cost more then the thing is worth... Now that I think of it, maybe real chewing gum could do the trick, if it holds for some weeks it's "kay" right?
    Keep up the blogging!
    Oh yes, and don't forget to vote ;-)
    Cheers, Hans from Belgium

  2. Hans, yes, that strange thing can sting... :) thanks for reading, we already have some ideas for new posts. :)

    Linute, nu. net Amerika iki tiek neatbukina per porą mėnesių :D Suvoktume tušinuką. :D

  3. jūs net lemputes susirinkot? :D sveikinu! fainuolės :D

  4. Kuri šiaip neveikia... bet gi galėjo ir veikti... :D
