O štai keli būdai, kuriais patys belgai juokiasi iš savo tragikomiškos valstybės situacijos:
- vienas žymus belgų aktorius pasiūlė visiems vyrams nesiskusti barzdų iki kol vyriausybė bus suformuota. Neteko kolkas matyti daug apaugusių vyrų...
- Gento miesto senatorė pateikė siūlymą politikų žmonoms bei draugėms kelti sekso streiką: jokio sekso iki koalicijos sudarymo!
- Belgotron - žaidimas, kurio metu tikrinamos žaidėjų žinios apie Belgiją, o jo pagrindinis prizas - ministro pirmininko kėdė.
Na smagu Belgijoj, ypač kai trys streikai vienu metu sutampa :D
One more celebration in Belgium... Today they have "anniversary" of 250 days without a government... After election in June calm Belgians didn't manage to form it... The world's record still belongs to Iraq with 289 days, but there're not so many days left to beat them :)
Few ways how belgians make fun from this tragicomic situation:
- one prominent Belgian actor suggested for Belgian men not to shave until the government is formed. Didn't have luck to see many hairy men in Brussels so far...
- A Ghent senator suggested politicians' wives to do a sex strike: no sex until the final decision on coalition!
- Belgotron - a new game launched to test participants' knowledge of their country. The main prize - prime ministership. As in one article was said: "It is a prize that none of the leading politicians appear to covet."
Belgium... fun to be here, especially when 3 strikes appeared to happen at once :D
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