Laba :)
jau beveik savaitę esam namie, dar nieko nesusigaudėm, vis dar gyvenam atostogų nuotaikom (nelabai dėl to ir graužiamės). Kelionė buvo nuostabi! Įkeliam nuotraukų iš NYC (dievinam šitą miestą). NYC tikrai niekada niekada nemiega, ir kiekvienas gali rasti kažką savo sau!
Hey guys!
So so sorry we didn't write anything in English during our traveling, but we were soo busy, we didn't sleep almost at all, there was so much to see and to do! But we have something special for you! Below you can find the video for all the people we met in United States, we miss you guys and hope to see you soon again! And also pictures from NYC... city that never sleeps :) We did so much there! From watching a big musical to going to the party in secret Brooklyn loft and meeting Lithuanian friend...
Hello to all American friends!!!
An exciting new chapter for TED
Prieš 4 savaites
Sveikos merginos, aš planuoju išlėkt į California, man laaabai įdomu but su jumis pabendraut prieš važiuojant, prašau susisiekit su manim paštu: